Showing posts with label fittness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fittness. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025

The Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Diet: What to Eat for Your Dosha



Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, emphasizes the importance of balance in achieving optimal health. One of the key principles of Ayurveda is the concept of doshas—three fundamental energies (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) that govern our physical and mental processes. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, and understanding your dominant dosha can help you tailor your diet for better health. In this guide, we’ll explore the Ayurvedic diet, how to identify your dosha, and what foods to eat (and avoid) to maintain balance.

What Are Doshas?

Keywords: Ayurvedic doshas, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Ayurvedic body types

  • Explanation: According to Ayurveda, the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—are derived from the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether). Each dosha has specific characteristics:

    • Vata (Air + Ether): Creative, energetic, and lively when balanced; prone to anxiety and dryness when imbalanced.

    • Pitta (Fire + Water): Intelligent, focused, and passionate when balanced; prone to anger and inflammation when imbalanced.

    • Kapha (Earth + Water): Calm, strong, and nurturing when balanced; prone to lethargy and weight gain when imbalanced.

  • Tip: Take an online dosha quiz or consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine your dominant dosha.

How to Understand Your Dominant Dosha

Keywords: identify your dosha, dosha quiz, Ayurvedic body type, dominant dosha test

  • Explanation: Understanding your dominant dosha is the first step toward creating a personalized Ayurvedic diet. While everyone has all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), one or two are usually more prominent. Your dominant dosha influences your physical, mental, and emotional traits.

1. Take a Dosha Quiz

  • What It Is: Online dosha quizzes are a quick and easy way to determine your dominant dosha. These quizzes typically ask questions about your physical characteristics, personality, and habits.

  • Where to Find: Many reputable Ayurvedic websites and apps offer free dosha quizzes.

  • Tip: Be honest and intuitive while answering the questions for accurate results.

2. Observe Physical and Emotional Traits

  • Vata Dominant Traits:

    • Physical: Slim build, dry skin, cold hands and feet.

    • Emotional: Creative, energetic, but prone to anxiety and restlessness.

  • Pitta Dominant Traits:

    • Physical: Medium build, warm body temperature, sensitive skin.

    • Emotional: Ambitious, focused, but prone to irritability and impatience.

  • Kapha Dominant Traits:

    • Physical: Sturdy build, soft skin, tendency to gain weight.

    • Emotional: Calm, patient, but prone to lethargy and resistance to change.

3. Consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner

  • What It Is: An Ayurvedic practitioner can provide a detailed assessment of your dosha through pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha), observation, and questioning.

  • Why It’s Helpful: A professional consultation ensures a more accurate and personalized understanding of your dosha and any imbalances.

  • Tip: Look for certified Ayurvedic practitioners or clinics in your area.

4. Reflect on Your Natural Preferences

  • Vata: Do you prefer warm, moist, and grounding foods? You might be Vata-dominant.

  • Pitta: Do you gravitate toward cooling, hydrating, and mildly spiced foods? You might be Pitta-dominant.

  • Kapha: Do you feel better with light, warm, and stimulating foods? You might be Kapha-dominant.

5. Monitor How You Respond to Seasons

  • Vata: You may feel more imbalanced in cold, dry weather (fall and winter).

  • Pitta: You may feel more imbalanced in hot, humid weather (summer).

  • Kapha: You may feel more imbalanced in cold, damp weather (spring).

Why Knowing Your Dosha Matters

Understanding your dominant dosha helps you make informed choices about your diet, lifestyle, and self-care practices. It allows you to address imbalances before they lead to health issues and promotes overall well-being.

The Ayurvedic Diet: Principles and Benefits

Keywords: Ayurvedic diet, Ayurvedic food, holistic nutrition, Ayurvedic lifestyle

  • Explanation: The Ayurvedic diet is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It focuses on eating fresh, seasonal, and whole foods that align with your dosha. The goal is to balance your dosha, improve digestion, and promote overall well-being.

  • Benefits:

    • Improves digestion and metabolism.

    • Boosts energy and vitality.

    • Enhances mental clarity and emotional balance.

    • Supports weight management.

What to Eat for Your Dosha

1. Vata Dosha Diet

Keywords: Vata diet, foods for Vata, balancing Vata

  • Characteristics: Vata is cold, dry, and light. To balance Vata, focus on warm, moist, and grounding foods.

  • Foods to Eat:

    • Grains: Oats, rice, quinoa.

    • Fruits: Bananas, berries, mangoes, avocados.

    • Vegetables: Cooked root vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, beets).

    • Proteins: Mung beans, tofu, eggs, chicken.

    • Dairy: Warm milk, ghee, butter.

    • Spices: Ginger, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric.

  • Foods to Avoid: Cold, raw, and dry foods (e.g., salads, crackers, cold drinks).

  • Tip: Eat warm, cooked meals and avoid skipping meals.

2. Pitta Dosha Diet

Keywords: Pitta diet, foods for Pitta, cooling Pitta

  • Characteristics: Pitta is hot, sharp, and intense. To balance Pitta, focus on cooling, hydrating, and mildly spiced foods.

  • Foods to Eat:

    • Grains: Barley, basmati rice, oats.

    • Fruits: Sweet fruits (melons, grapes, pears).

    • Vegetables: Cucumbers, zucchini, leafy greens.

    • Proteins: Mung beans, tofu, chicken (in moderation).

    • Dairy: Milk, ghee, cottage cheese.

    • Spices: Coriander, fennel, cardamom.

  • Foods to Avoid: Spicy, oily, and fried foods (e.g., chili peppers, garlic, onions).

  • Tip: Avoid overheating and stay hydrated with cooling drinks like coconut water.

3. Kapha Dosha Diet

Keywords: Kapha diet, foods for Kapha, reducing Kapha

  • Characteristics: Kapha is heavy, slow, and cool. To balance Kapha, focus on light, warm, and stimulating foods.

  • Foods to Eat:

    • Grains: Barley, millet, buckwheat.

    • Fruits: Apples, pears, pomegranates.

    • Vegetables: Leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

    • Proteins: Lentils, chickpeas, lean meats.

    • Dairy: Low-fat milk, goat milk.

    • Spices: Ginger, black pepper, turmeric.

  • Foods to Avoid: Heavy, oily, and sweet foods (e.g., cheese, fried foods, sugary desserts).

  • Tip: Incorporate regular exercise and avoid overeating.

Sample Meal Plans for Each Dosha

Vata Meal Plan

  • Breakfast: Warm oatmeal with almond milk, cinnamon, and sliced bananas.

  • Lunch: Rice with mung bean stew and steamed carrots.

  • Dinner: Sweet potato soup with ginger and a side of quinoa.

Pitta Meal Plan

  • Breakfast: Coconut yogurt with fresh melon and a sprinkle of cardamom.

  • Lunch: Barley salad with cucumber, mint, and a lemon-olive oil dressing.

  • Dinner: Steamed zucchini with basmati rice and a side of mung bean curry.

Kapha Meal Plan

  • Breakfast: Stewed apples with a pinch of ginger and a slice of whole-grain toast.

  • Lunch: Lentil soup with leafy greens and a side of millet.

  • Dinner: Roasted Brussels sprouts with quinoa and a light turmeric sauce.

Tips for Following an Ayurvedic Diet

  1. Eat Seasonally: Choose foods that are in season and locally available.

  2. Practice Mindful Eating: Eat in a calm environment and chew your food thoroughly.

  3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel and adjust your diet accordingly.

  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink warm water or herbal teas throughout the day.


The Ayurvedic diet is a powerful way to align your eating habits with your unique constitution. By understanding your dosha and making mindful food choices, you can achieve balance, improve digestion, and enhance your overall well-being. Start your Ayurvedic journey today and experience the transformative benefits of this ancient wisdom.


  • Share your dosha and favorite Ayurvedic recipes in the comments below!

  • Follow our blog for more tips on Ayurveda, yoga, and holistic health.

  • Take a dosha quiz today and share your results in the comments!
  • Stay tuned for more tips on how to balance your dosha through diet and lifestyle.

Dosha Quiz

Discover Your Dosha

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Anxiety and Anger

Anger and anxiety - the main factors that affect our health.

Five principals to follow in daily life-

1. I will not be angry in today's day

    How does anger affect our health?

     Anger is the end of conscience and the beginning of evil. Anger makes a person void like alcohol and powerless like paralysis. Anger is a permanent emotion of raudra rasa, disturbing mental peace. In the state of anger, the brain ceases to control the body's emergency actions. And a strange kind of excitement pervades the body. It is this excitement that compels a human being to do wrong things by inferiority.

 Although jealousy, hatred, malice etc. are all bad for human health, but from the health point of view, anger is the biggest enemy of man. Just as the strong velocity of the storm shakes the gardens and destroys their beauty, in the same way, the strongest impulse of anger creates a storm in a man's body-mind and causes them to do something wrong. In the state of anger, a strong velocity is contained within the human being, but with the passage of time, at the end of the anger, the man, like a drunkard, finds himself extremely weak and weak. It repents for a long time over its inappropriate work done in a state of charge. This statement is true that anger starts with stupidity and ends with remorse.

   However, if we consider the side effects of anger on the body, first it becomes clear that anger is basically a mental disease, which gradually leaves its side effects on the body. In the state of anger, many types of poisons are generated in the body, which cause fatal damage to the internal organs of the body.

   According to medical scientists, the external and internal actions of the body are badly affected due to anger, which causes the ratio of essential chemicals produced in the body to deteriorate. Anger causes the muscles of the body to become completely tense due to stimulation. Mainness: The muscles of the arms and legs swell and start to crack. Likewise, the face also gets stretched, which affects other parts of the body as well. It starts to turn red.


In the state of anger, the action that is most affected is respiration. Actually due to the impulse of anger, the body lacks energy. To accomplish this, the breathing process has to work more quickly. The lungs are unnecessarily burdened with extra work and they have to do more work. In this way, the speed and rate of respiration increases suddenly. During this time the body receives a lot of oxygen, which is the main source of energy. If the lack of energy in the body is not met by other places at such a time, the chances of diseases like blood pressure, dizziness, etc. increase.

  Anger is also responsible to a large extent for Delhi's disease. In the state of anger, the heart rate increases more than usual, due to which the speed of blood circulation in the body also becomes abnormally fast. Heart, arteries and blood vessels have to do more work.

  In the state of anger, the highest demand for blood comes from the brain. The liver also helps the blood supply. In such a situation, the ratio of oxygen in the blood increases and more energy is produced. This excess weight on the heart causes diseases like blood pressure. Sometimes a hit-attack or hurt fails in such a situation.


It has often been seen that people of temper nature do not have good digestion. The basic reason for this is that in the state of anger, the functioning of the stomach and intestines almost ceases. Anger not only gives birth to many diseases and internal diseases in the body, it also destroys human beauty. Wherever blue veins emerge in the body, there are untimely wrinkles on the face, black marks under the eyes.

 By staying in anger for 15 minutes, that much energy is lost from the human body. In which he can easily work hard for 9 hours in normal state. At the time of anger, there is an increase in the range of vision of the eyes, which is fatal to the eye-light. Food eaten in anger is never digested. This causes stomach pain indigestion and other diseases.


Other diseases due to anger-


👉Ulcer and acidity

👉Increase of cholesterol

👉Diabetes and inflammation in joints

👉Muscle strains, spondylitis

👉Weakness of the immune system of the body

 Cause of anger-

👉Some situations provoke a tendency to become angry - such as

👉When people around you do not behave as you expected.

👉When a person comes in the way of your wish fulfillment or attainment of your cause.

👉When someone disagrees with you and opposes you.

👉When someone misbehaves with you, insults you, says your bad in front of you or behind your back.

👉When someone does not understand your need, convenience and problems.

👉When people take care of your promises and accountability.

👉When someone cheats on you and cheats you about the quality, reliability of the goods.

👉When your subordinates do not meet the criteria set by you and as a result your decisions are affected.

👉When someone puts obstacles in your actions.

Short-term ways to control anger -

1. As soon as anger comes, the conversation should be stopped immediately.

2. Do not carry forward the conversation.

3. If it is difficult to remain silent, then that place should be left immediately.

4. Drink a glass of cold water or close your eyes and sit somewhere.

5. Recall counting from 100 to 1 or let the anger cool down by reciting one of your mantras. Chanting of "Om" is best.

6. Go fast in the open air or concentrate in a game.

7. Think about the consequences caused by anger.

8. Think that peace and stability of mind is very important and do not let this precious treasure be destroyed by small causes.

Long-term ways to control anger

👉Do regular yoga

👉Hold silence and restraining speech


👉Modesty in everyday work

👉Conquer anger by destroying ego.

👉Increase such habits that promote our tolerance so that we are not agitated in situations like abusive, injustice or insult etc.

👉Use organic food, such as fruits, milk, vegetables, etc.

👉Make a habit of reading good literature

👉Associate with good people , participate in 'Satsang'

👉Try to be as close as possible to the nature

👉Simple life, adopt a lifestyle of high thought (Simple living High thinking)

👉Pardon others

👉Take care of your health so that you can always be fit

👉Try continuous introspection. After getting angry, ask yourself 'Why did I get angry?' 'Was my anger really necessary?', 'What did I get by being angry?'

 2. I will not worry only today


Not to worry, it does not mean that you will not consider to solve your problems or difficulties, you will not make any plan to solve them. Worry about anything, you are having various kinds of apprehensions, then calm down and write down all your problems and those fears which are not allowing you to take rest day and night. Write again, what is the maximum harm that can happen? Get ready to accept that result from your mind.

  Worrying leads to a reverse loss rather than a gain. Anxiety causes many physical and mental diseases to occur. No problem has ever been solved by worrying and neither will ever happen in future. Hence Chinta (worry) is said to be similar to Chitaa (death bed). The fire of pyre burns only the dead body, while worry also burns your living body and mind.


Collect all the facts related to the problem without bias. Consider all its aspects and after taking advice from friends and concerned persons and experts, make a logical gradual plan of its light and get involved in solving it. Whenever you start worrying, then you get engaged in some creative work. Engage yourself more and more in useful tasks so that the useless thoughts do not disturb the mind.

 You pray to God for the strength that you can overcome problems and pray for the power to tolerate situations or situations that cannot be changed. This will keep both your body and mind healthy.

3. Only today I will do my work honestly


Individuals who do their work honestly are free from fear and worries. They get prestige and respect in the society and they get respect in the society. The closer you are to the truth, the closer you are to God. People who earn dishonestly may get momentary happiness but they have to regret it later. You came empty-handed and will go empty-handed, then for whom is dishonestly earning money? If you are collecting money for your child, then always keep two things in mind.

"पूत- सपूत तो क्यों धन संचय"

"पूत- कपूत तो क्यों धन संचय'


 'If son is good, why accumulate wealth'

 'If son is bad, then why accumulate wealth'

  Today, man is living for material pleasures, not for spiritual pleasure and is engaged in earning money by resorting to dishonesty, lies, incest and corruption. Family people, for whom you have been earning dishonestly throughout your life, do not become your support when you are old, become your enemies for wealth and thirst for each other's blood for wealth. Then why cheat? Live a happy and joyful life by earnestly earning a living and become the blessings of God.

4. I will only thank God for today


At the beginning of every day, give thanks to God and the Gods you believe in. Have a feeling of gratitude for what God has given you so much through nature. A feeling of gratitude filled with joy and happiness will fill a new enthusiasm and confidence in you, which will pave the way for joy and success in the path of your life. If there is failure or misery in life, keep this feeling in mind that God has sent them for you.

5. In today's day, I will show love and respect to all living beings


In this theory, there is a sense of love and respect for whole creatures or stripes, and a sense of non-violence. Mahavir, Gautam Budh and Mahatma Gandhi have taught philosophy of non-violence. All animals, birds, insects, trees and plants also feel pain and pain like ours. Therefore, compassion and kindness should be shown to all. All of us are being influenced by the energy of the Supreme Father God. Pledge to protect animals and birds.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Lesson we can learn from Sri Krishna's life.

Krishna & knowledge of Gita
   In Dwapara Yuga, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Shri Krishna on the Ashtami date of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month. Kansa had terror at that time. Shri Krishna killed Kansa. After this, he guided the Pandavas in the war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. We should learn to keep doing karma from the life of Shri Krishna.
Before the Mahabharata
war, Arjuna had kept weapons. Because, Arjuna did not want to fight a war against Bhishma Pitamah, Dronacharya, Kripacharya. Then Sri Krishna preached the Gita to Arjuna and explained the importance of karma.

Sri Krishna says in the Gita that-

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।।

You have the right to act only, but not in its fruits.
Because the fruit is in the hands of God. Therefore it is not right to run away from karma nor expect the fruits of karma. These words of Lord Krishna in the Mahabharata period are as important today as they were in those times.

       According to this verse, we should not run away from karma in any situation. Nowadays, most
people think about the fruits they get before doing karma. When there is no fruit as expected, there is a disappointment. That is why do work, but do not desire fruit. This is the learning of Shri Krishna.
How will the fruit of karma be received, it should be left to God. People who work according to religion, remember God, they surely get success.

Learning of Shri Krishna: We should not run away from karma nor desire the fruits of karma, the fruit is in the hands of God.
Shri Krishna had preached the Gita to Arjuna, by bringing the things mentioned in the Gita to life, many of our problems can be overcome.

     Lord Krishna's preaching to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra was said to be the knowledge of the Gita. These policies were sung by God, hence it is called Bhagavad Gita. In this, Lord Krishna taught Arjuna, karma and explained what is the cycle of life and death. In the preaching of this Gita, God also showed his great form in God and announced that he is the doer of this creation.
Out of the essence of the knowledge given to Arjuna in God, there is some knowledge that is useful to every human in his personal life at some time or the other. Some of the main ones are…

•Whatever you become in personal life, you are made with your faith, never doubt your ability.

• Krishna has said to Arjuna in the preaching of Gita, fulfil your duties with dedication and labour.

• whatever happened was good. What is happening is good. And, whatever happens, will also be good.

• Perform your duties with integrity and labour.

• You came empty-handed and will go empty-handed. Therefore, be polite to everyone.

•Shri Krishna says to Arjuna that man should subdue all the senses because the person ,The senses are subdued, its intelligence is fixed.

•Shri Krishna says, do not abandon

the idea of ​​doing  Karma, do not think about fame and badness, just do your work.

•It is better to perform one's own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of other.

•If a person constantly thinks about a goal with confidence, he can become whatever he wants.

•Mind is disturbed and it is difficult to control but if practiced continuously, you can control the


•Nothing happens in life or nothing is wasted. All our good and bad deeds sometimes give fruits.

•We are created by our faith, we become what we believe.

•For those who do not control the

mind, their own mind starts working like an enemy.

•sex, anger and greed are the three gates of hell that destroy the soul, that is, they are going to be taken into degradation, so these three should be discarded.



       From the flute to the Sudarshan Chakra, every special thing in Krishna's life was gifted to him, he teaches that others should adopt good things.


The entire life of Lord Krishna is ideal from a management perspective. Most of the things related to Shri Krishna's personality, which were a major part of his life, were all gifted to him. All these things are mentioned in texts like Bhagavata, Padmapuran,
Brahmavaivartpuran, Garga Samhita. The relationship of these things is mentioned in different ways in different texts.

Like, flute from Nanda baba, Morepunkh from Radha. These things are the identity of Shri Krishna. They say that wherever a person can get something good, he should take it out in his life. One should learn the good habits of others, take knowledge and respect the things received from loved ones.

Flute-Sri Krishna had received many gifts in his life and most of the gifts were always with him. Nanda Baba gave a flute to small krishna. He always kept this gift of childhood with him.

Life lesson - The flute is hollow inside, but with its sweet voice captivates others. The lesson of the flute is that we should keep our conduct free from evils like ego, greed, anger and speak all sweet.

Vejayanti garland and peacock feather-When Shri Krishna grew up a little, while doing Raslila, Radha presented the Vejayanti Mala and Morpankha (peacock feather) to the Lord. Sri Krishna wears this garland around his neck and in a peacock crown.

Life lesson - Vyjayanti Mala means the winning garland. Its message is that we should remain positive in every situation, only then success and victory prevail. Peacock learns to show respect for nature. Love should be maintained towards all living beings.

Conch(शंख ) and bow-Shri Krishna came to Ujjain, Sandipani's ashram to study. At that time, a monster named Shankhasura had taken the son of the Guru as a prisoner. Sri Krishna freed Guru Putra from the monster. He got conch from Shankhasura. Which is known as Panchajanya. Guru Sandipani presented a bow named Ajitanjaya.

Life lesson- Bow is a symbol of will power. Ajitanjaya means one who is invincible, who also has the ability to win. With will power, we can do any impossible looking work. Panchajanya means the benefactor of five people. We should help those who do the work according to religion.

Sudarshan Chakra-After receiving education, Shri Krishna met Parashurama, an incarnation of Vishnu. Parashurama presented Sudarshan Chakra to Sri Krishna. After this Sudarshan Chakra  was always with Shri Krishna. The Sudarshan Chakra was built by Shivji to slay Tripurasura. Later Shiva gave Sudarshan Chakra to Lord Vishnu.

Life lesson - Sudarshan means looking beautiful. Shri krishna had killed many demons, eliminated evils from this Sudarshan Chakra. One should keep his personality beautiful. We will stay away from evils, only then our personality can become beautiful.

Eight names of God


The description of the word Krishna in the Bhagavata is black, along with the word Krishna was also said to be the one who gives salvation.

Lord Krishna has many names. But, there are some names, behind which there is some story, anecdote or a different significance. Separate chanting of such names is also mentioned in the Vidhan Shastras. The glory of the names of Lord Krishna has been told in the Shrimad Bhagavata, Padmapurana, Kurma Purana, Garga Samhita and Brahmavivarta


Different texts also have different interpretations of names. For example, in the Bhagavata, the interpretation of the word Krishna is black, but at the same time the word Krishna is also said to be the one who gives salvation. There are two Krishna in Mahabharata, one Lord Krishna, the other is Krishna Dvaipayan Vyasa, the creator of Mahabharata. Ved Vyas was black and was born on the island. So, he was named Krishna Dwaipayana, because of dividing one Veda into four parts, he was named Veda Vyasa.

Many such names of Lord Krishna got due to achievements and characteristics of their personality.

 Murari-There was a demon, son of Maharishi Kashyapa and Diti. His name was Mura. Mura conquered heaven with his own strength. Expelled the gods from heaven. Indra then prayed to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna and his consort Satyabhama killed Mura in battle.Mura being the enemy (Ari) of God,one of the names of God became Murari.

 Madhusudan-By killing a demon named Madhu, the god got a name Madhusudan. Gods and humans were also very upset due to this demon. The Bhagavata mentions two to three demons named Madhu, who have occurred in different periods. One of these was slaughtered by Krishna.

 Keshav-This name is due to the beautiful hair of God. The description of the form of God is found in the Bhagavata and Garga Samhita. Gopis, Sakhiis and Brijwasis address Lord Krishna in many places as Keshava.

Govardhandhari & Girdhari-Stopping the worship of Indra caused him to worship Govardhan Parvat and then to lift the Govardhan Parvat with the smallest finger of his straight hand to save the people when heavy rain fell on  Brij Mandal. God loves both names. In Vrindavan, the name Girdhari, Girirajdhari is used extensively for God.

Madhav-There are two stories behind this name. On one hand, Krishna is named Madhava because of the spring god or the supreme superior of the spring in the seasons, because one of the names of spring is also Madhu. The second story is related to Tretayuga's demon Madhu, who was the king of Mathura. The elder son of this Madhu was Yadavaraj, in whose clan Lord Krishna was later born. He is also called Madhava because he was born in the dynasty of Madhu.

Muralidhar or Vanshidhar- Nand baba gave this name to Krishna because of wearing a flute. Nand baba gifted little Krishna a flute. Which has always been his identity. The flute is connected to Krishna's personality in such a way that the image of Krishna cannot be imagined without him.

Achut ( incredible)-Krishna is unwavering and unwavering in his personality. His image is that of a deity who offers unflinching devotion. He is the only deity who is worshiped together in many forms. People worship Krishna in many ways, including sons, friends, brothers, Gods, husbands, men, warriors, advisors and gurus. He is unwavering in his every form. That is why he has been called Achut.

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