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I am curious by nature and some question naturally arises in my mind, I try to find the answer in available sources and mould it using my logic. Here I will share the knowledge which I have gained, and other interesting things which are worth sharing.I am not a professional writer so there may be mistakes in the articles, please consider this while reading.
•Shri Krishna says to Arjuna that man should subdue all the senses because the person ,The senses are subdued, its intelligence is fixed.
•Shri Krishna says, do not abandon
the idea of doing Karma, do not think about fame and badness, just do your work.•It is better to perform one's own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of other.
•If a person constantly thinks about a goal with confidence, he can become whatever he wants.
•Mind is disturbed and it is difficult to control but if practiced continuously, you can control the
mind•Nothing happens in life or nothing is wasted. All our good and bad deeds sometimes give fruits.
•We are created by our faith, we become what we believe.
•For those who do not control the
mind, their own mind starts working like an enemy.•sex, anger and greed are the three gates of hell that destroy the soul, that is, they are going to be taken into degradation, so these three should be discarded.
From the flute to the Sudarshan Chakra, every special thing in Krishna's life was gifted to him, he teaches that others should adopt good things.
The entire life of Lord Krishna is ideal from a management perspective. Most of the things related to Shri Krishna's personality, which were a major part of his life, were all gifted to him. All these things are mentioned in texts like Bhagavata, Padmapuran, Brahmavaivartpuran, Garga Samhita. The relationship of these things is mentioned in different ways in different texts.
Like, flute from Nanda baba, Morepunkh from Radha. These things are the identity of Shri Krishna. They say that wherever a person can get something good, he should take it out in his life. One should learn the good habits of others, take knowledge and respect the things received from loved ones.
Flute-Sri Krishna had received many gifts in his life and most of the gifts were always with him. Nanda Baba gave a flute to small krishna. He always kept this gift of childhood with him.
Life lesson - The flute is hollow inside, but with its sweet voice captivates others. The lesson of the flute is that we should keep our conduct free from evils like ego, greed, anger and speak all sweet.
Vejayanti garland and peacock feather-When Shri Krishna grew up a little, while doing Raslila, Radha presented the Vejayanti Mala and Morpankha (peacock feather) to the Lord. Sri Krishna wears this garland around his neck and in a peacock crown.
Life lesson - Vyjayanti Mala means the winning garland. Its message is that we should remain positive in every situation, only then success and victory prevail. Peacock learns to show respect for nature. Love should be maintained towards all living beings.
Conch(शंख ) and bow-Shri Krishna came to Ujjain, Sandipani's ashram to study. At that time, a monster named Shankhasura had taken the son of the Guru as a prisoner. Sri Krishna freed Guru Putra from the monster. He got conch from Shankhasura. Which is known as Panchajanya. Guru Sandipani presented a bow named Ajitanjaya.
Life lesson- Bow is a symbol of will power. Ajitanjaya means one who is invincible, who also has the ability to win. With will power, we can do any impossible looking work. Panchajanya means the benefactor of five people. We should help those who do the work according to religion.
Sudarshan Chakra-After receiving education, Shri Krishna met Parashurama, an incarnation of Vishnu. Parashurama presented Sudarshan Chakra to Sri Krishna. After this Sudarshan Chakra was always with Shri Krishna. The Sudarshan Chakra was built by Shivji to slay Tripurasura. Later Shiva gave Sudarshan Chakra to Lord Vishnu.
Life lesson - Sudarshan means looking beautiful. Shri krishna had killed many demons, eliminated evils from this Sudarshan Chakra. One should keep his personality beautiful. We will stay away from evils, only then our personality can become beautiful.
Eight names of God
The description of the word Krishna in the Bhagavata is black, along with the word Krishna was also said to be the one who gives salvation.
Lord Krishna has many names. But, there are some names, behind which there is some story, anecdote or a different significance. Separate chanting of such names is also mentioned in the Vidhan Shastras. The glory of the names of Lord Krishna has been told in the Shrimad Bhagavata, Padmapurana, Kurma Purana, Garga Samhita and Brahmavivarta
Purana.Different texts also have different interpretations of names. For example, in the Bhagavata, the interpretation of the word Krishna is black, but at the same time the word Krishna is also said to be the one who gives salvation. There are two Krishna in Mahabharata, one Lord Krishna, the other is Krishna Dvaipayan Vyasa, the creator of Mahabharata. Ved Vyas was black and was born on the island. So, he was named Krishna Dwaipayana, because of dividing one Veda into four parts, he was named Veda Vyasa.
Many such names of Lord Krishna got due to achievements and characteristics of their personality.
Murari-There was a demon, son of Maharishi Kashyapa and Diti. His name was Mura. Mura conquered heaven with his own strength. Expelled the gods from heaven. Indra then prayed to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna and his consort Satyabhama killed Mura in battle.Mura being the enemy (Ari) of God,one of the names of God became Murari.
Madhusudan-By killing a demon named Madhu, the god got a name Madhusudan. Gods and humans were also very upset due to this demon. The Bhagavata mentions two to three demons named Madhu, who have occurred in different periods. One of these was slaughtered by Krishna.
Keshav-This name is due to the beautiful hair of God. The description of the form of God is found in the Bhagavata and Garga Samhita. Gopis, Sakhiis and Brijwasis address Lord Krishna in many places as Keshava.
Govardhandhari & Girdhari-Stopping the worship of Indra caused him to worship Govardhan Parvat and then to lift the Govardhan Parvat with the smallest finger of his straight hand to save the people when heavy rain fell on Brij Mandal. God loves both names. In Vrindavan, the name Girdhari, Girirajdhari is used extensively for God.
Madhav-There are two stories behind this name. On one hand, Krishna is named Madhava because of the spring god or the supreme superior of the spring in the seasons, because one of the names of spring is also Madhu. The second story is related to Tretayuga's demon Madhu, who was the king of Mathura. The elder son of this Madhu was Yadavaraj, in whose clan Lord Krishna was later born. He is also called Madhava because he was born in the dynasty of Madhu.
Muralidhar or Vanshidhar- Nand baba gave this name to Krishna because of wearing a flute. Nand baba gifted little Krishna a flute. Which has always been his identity. The flute is connected to Krishna's personality in such a way that the image of Krishna cannot be imagined without him.
Achut ( incredible)-Krishna is unwavering and unwavering in his personality. His image is that of a deity who offers unflinching devotion. He is the only deity who is worshiped together in many forms. People worship Krishna in many ways, including sons, friends, brothers, Gods, husbands, men, warriors, advisors and gurus. He is unwavering in his every form. That is why he has been called Achut.
Nadi means flow, stream, or channel. Nadis are the subtle flow of energy in our body. Nadis are the pathways of pranic, mental, and spiritual currents, which form a matrix throughout the physical body. Prana is the life energy that is required to help all living things function. This energy circulates through the body. They provide energy to every cell, and every organ through their vast network, carrying prana back and forth in every direction. It should not be confused with nerves, which relate to the physical body. Like the Chakras, they are not actually the part of the physical body, although they correspond with nerves.( The cosmic forces are collected within the human body at the certain central point the Chakras. This functions like powerful power stations. They draw in cosmic energy, transform, store and distribute it, and then radiate into the cosmos again.) On the physical level the Nadis correspond to the nervous system, but their influences extend beyond this to the astral and spiritual planes of existence. In the higher States of consciousness, the nadis can actually be seen as flows of energy, as described by the yogis. They can be perceived at the psychic level as distinct channels of light, colour, and sound. They're just like radio waves and laser beams. These are visible as currents of light to a person who has developed psychic vision. The Nadi make it possible for us to take mental journeys (dreams and Astral) of Discovery throughout the entire universe. With there help consciousness can go to any place we would like without the body having to move at all.
The network of Nadis is so vast and subtle that even the text differs in the calculation of their exact number. Some text places the number at 72000. Some give the number of 300000 while some text states the number 350000. While the majority except it is 72000 in number.
Out of 72000 nadis, which include all the major and minor flows, 72 are important. Out of these 72, ten are more important. Among the ten, three are most significant. The three most significant nadis are Ida, Pingala and Sushmna.
These three nadis are the three main channels for the distribution of energy throughout the entire pranic network. Maximum puranic charges flow through them and they impact the entire network instantly. These three nadis are like the high voltage wires that conduct the energy from the substations or chakras situated along the spinal column at all the other nadis.
1. Ida nadi - it is the mental channel. It is also known as chandra aur lunar nadi. Ida means comfort so Ida nadi means comfort energy channel. The Ida begins and ends on the left side of sushmna. It is cool and nurturing by nature, and is said to control all mental processes and the more feminine expect of our personality. The colour white is attributed to represent the subtitle vibrational quality of Ida. It controls the right part of the body and the right brain hemisphere. On physical level, Ida has its counterpart in the sympathetic nervous system.
The moon symbolizes the mind with its changeable feelings, just is our emotion and thoughts change constantly, the moon is also constantly changing its form. Ida like individuals has lunar, nurturing qualities but lake the potential to sustain an active life. There are full of potential, but unless they develop there solar side, they may never manifest that potential in either worldly affairs and spiritual development.
2. Pingala nadi - It is the vital channel. It is also known as the Surya or solar nadi. It begins and ends to the right sushumna. It is warm and stimulating by nature, controls all vital somatic processes, and oversees the more masculine aspects of our personality. The color red is attributed to the vibrational quality of pingala. It controls the left part of the body or left brain hemisphere. On the physical level pingla has its counterpart in the parasympathetic nervous system.
The sun represents the intellect. The intellect is a stable and constant principal like the sun. Pingala- like individuals who have solar qualities, lots of creativity, abundant vitality. But unless they develop there ida side, they may lack the quietude, introspection, and receptivity necessary to yield to the grace of spiritual awakening.
3.Sushmna nadi - It is the spiritual channel. It is a neutral energy channel. On the physical level sushmna has its counterpart in the central nervous system. It runs through the central channel of the spinal cord and represents consciousness. Sushmna is the expression of perfect balance and neutrality between Ida and Pingala nadi, the polar aspects of our being. Balancing ida and pingala or sun and moon or rajas and Tamas, facilities the awakening and rising of kundalini Shakti through Sushumna nadi and thus, the awakening of higher consciousness. Symbolically, it is associated with the fire element (tejas tatva) and is considered sattvic (harmonious) in nature.
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