Friday, 5 June 2020




    Nadi means flow, stream, or channel. Nadis are the subtle flow of energy in our body. Nadis are the pathways of pranic, mental, and spiritual currents, which form a matrix throughout the physical body. Prana is the life energy that is required to help all living things function. This energy circulates through the body. They provide energy to every cell, and every organ through their vast network, carrying prana back and forth in every direction. It should not be confused with nerves, which relate to the physical body. Like the Chakras, they are not actually the part of the physical body, although they correspond with nerves.( The cosmic forces are collected within the human body at the certain central point the Chakras. This functions like powerful power stations. They draw in cosmic energy, transform, store and distribute it, and then radiate into the cosmos again.) On the physical level the Nadis correspond to the nervous system, but their influences extend beyond this to the astral and spiritual planes of existence. In the higher States of consciousness, the nadis can actually be seen as flows of energy, as described by the yogis. They can be perceived at the psychic level as distinct channels of light, colour, and sound. They're just like radio waves and laser beams. These are visible as currents of light to a person who has developed psychic vision. The Nadi make it possible for us to take mental journeys (dreams and Astral) of Discovery throughout the entire universe. With there help consciousness can go to any place we would like without the body having to move at all.

The network of Nadis is so vast and subtle that even the text differs in the calculation of their exact number. Some text places the number at 72000. Some give the number of 300000 while some text states the number 350000. While the majority except it is 72000 in number.

Out of 72000 nadis, which include all the major and minor flows, 72 are important. Out of these 72, ten are more important. Among the ten, three are most significant. The three most significant nadis are Ida, Pingala and Sushmna.

These three nadis are the three main channels for the distribution of energy throughout the entire pranic network. Maximum puranic charges flow through them and they impact the entire network instantly. These three nadis are like the high voltage wires that conduct the energy from the substations or chakras situated along the spinal column at all the other nadis.

1. Ida nadi - it is the mental channel. It is also known as chandra aur lunar nadi. Ida means comfort so Ida nadi means comfort energy channel. The Ida begins and ends on the left side of sushmna. It is cool and nurturing by nature, and is said to control all mental processes and the more feminine expect of our personality. The colour white is attributed to represent the subtitle vibrational quality of Ida. It controls the right part of the body and the right brain hemisphere. On physical level, Ida has its counterpart in the sympathetic nervous system.

          The moon symbolizes the mind with its changeable feelings, just is our emotion and thoughts change constantly, the moon is also constantly changing its form. Ida like individuals has lunar, nurturing qualities but lake the potential to sustain an active life. There are full of potential, but unless they develop there solar side, they may never manifest that potential in either worldly affairs and spiritual development.

2. Pingala nadi - It is the vital channel. It is also known as the Surya or solar nadi. It begins and ends to the right sushumna. It is warm and stimulating by nature, controls all vital somatic processes, and oversees the more masculine aspects of our personality. The color red is attributed to the vibrational quality of pingala. It controls the left part of the body or left brain hemisphere. On the physical level pingla has its counterpart in the parasympathetic nervous system.

        The sun represents the intellect. The intellect is a stable and constant principal like the sun. Pingala- like individuals who have solar qualities, lots of creativity, abundant vitality. But unless they develop there ida side, they may lack the quietude, introspection, and receptivity necessary to yield to the grace of spiritual awakening.

3.Sushmna nadi - It is the spiritual channel. It is a neutral energy channel. On the physical level sushmna has its counterpart in the central nervous system. It runs through the central channel of the spinal cord and represents consciousness. Sushmna is the expression of perfect balance and neutrality between Ida and Pingala nadi, the polar aspects of our being. Balancing ida and pingala or sun and moon or rajas and Tamas, facilities the awakening and rising of kundalini Shakti through Sushumna nadi and thus, the awakening of higher consciousness. Symbolically, it is associated with the fire element (tejas tatva) and is considered sattvic (harmonious) in nature.

The Ida and pingala represent the basic duality in existence and nature. It is this duality which we traditionally personify as Purush & Prakriti, Shiva & Shakti, Heat and cool, Rajas & and Tamash or masculine & feminine. When we say masculine and feminine, it is not in terms of gender being male and female, but in terms of certain qualities in nature attributed as masculine and feminine. Without these dualities, life would not exist. In the beginning, everything was primordial, there was no duality but there is duality once reaction happens. Ida and Pingla indicate time, while Sushmna is the devour-er of time since it leads to timelessness or eternity.

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