Monday, 1 June 2020

Gunas and Tattvas

          Tattvas and Gunas(Elements and Qualities)
                       We came to Know that->God=E(Energy) + I (intelligence).
This “E” is known as Prakriti and “I” is intelligence or Supreme soul.
                (Adi)Purush(I)=Original consciousness
                  Prakriti(E) =Primordial nature 
Purush is the divine self or soul, the unchanging, omnipresent and omniscient,witness of all events and mutations of Prakriti.
Prakriti is the eternal stream of divine energy.
     To ensure that Prakriti(nature) would always maintain a connection to the divine(Purush) the force of attraction developed as an aspect of Prakriti. Prakriti is composed of five elements (tattvas) and three qualities (Gunas). These form the basis (foundation) of all creations (manifestation) of all physical and spiritual (subtle and gross forms).

The Five tattvas (elements) are:-

1.Earth (Prithvi) tattva- Pritvi tattva is the basic elements of earth, and is an expression of attachment, unawareness, dullness, and functions only from need and instinct. It represents greed. The sense associated with Pritvi tattva is the smell. It mainly operates through our sense of smell. From this physical element of earth (first chakra) originate the physical structure of the body-skin, bones, flesh, teeth etc.

2. Water (Apas) tattva-The Apas tattva is a manifestation of the force of both forcefulness and will, and dullness and attachment. It represents lust. The sense associated with Apas tattva is taste. Gland secretions, blood and semen originate from this element (second chakra).The Apas tattva manifest in the kidneys, sex glands and lymphatic system.

3. Fire (Agni) tattva-Just as the heat of the sun makes life possible on earth, the heat of the Agni tattva sustains life in the body. The Agni tattva is the main motive energy in the body. It is responsible for the nourishment and growth of the body by digesting our food, producing blood and other fluids and thereby sustaining our body. It represents anger. The sense associated with this tattva is sight. It is associated with the third chakra. The fire (Agni) centre manifests through the spleen, liver, pancreas and adrenal gland.

4. Air (Vayu) tattva-The Vayu tattva is the vital force or “Prana” in the body. It keeps the bodily organs active and healthy and circulates the blood and other fluids throughout the body. It symbolizes attachment. The sense is touch. Though we cannot see air, we feel its touch. The main centre of operation for the Vayu tattva is the chest region (fourth chakra) which includes five principal organs and glands, lungs, heart, thymus, cell producing glands and the subsidiaries.

5. Ether (Akash) tattva-It symbolizes negative ego or pride. The sense is sound. It is associated with the fifth or throat chakra. The centre of operation of the Akasha tattva is the throat (the space between the collar bone and the shape (nape) of the neck). This is the region which comprises the following principal glands; thyroid, parathyroid, salivary and tonsils. The essential secretions of these glands help mould our mind and keep them nourished.

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