Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Beginning of universe and Concept of God-The Time (Kala)

The concept of Time or Kala

        Time is known as Kala. Kala means both time and death. Death is a limiting factor in human life. Kala 
because the god of death determines how long an individual should live upon the world , so death and time are associated together. An individual’s time upon Earth begins together with his |along with his"> together with his birth and ends with his death. However, for the Soul,there is no death. It has no time because it is without a beginning and an and. There is the concept of space and time. The duration of time changes from Loka to Loka ( world to world) and that our time was not absolute. There is clearly distinguished between the cosmic time of the gods and earthly time. God, demigods have longer and more intense lives. They were subject to a different time frame and had their periods of activity and rest. These constitute their days and nights when the supreme soul awakes. He would expand outwardly and manifests his objective worlds and when it had been a time for rest, he would withdraw into himself and brings the planet and therefore the entire creation to a temporary halt.

The concept of time is best on our own experience of time as recurring and predictable phenomena measurable in terms of the unit such as days and nights, months or years. Time is 
a facet of this illusory world and it exists as long as we are subject to the method of becoming or change. Time is cyclic. As it is based on our own experience of time in weeks, months, years, season and yugas. so time is a never-ending cycle, with is both repetitive and exhaustive. In a sense it is limited. In another it is eternal. From a spiritual perspective, time exist when we are in a state of duality but disappear when we enter into the state of Unity or Samadhi.


        Each time cycle has three-component, Srishti, Sthithi and Laya. Srishti means creation, Sthithi means continuation and Laya means dissolution. Each time cycles begins with creation, continues for a certain duration of time and then dissolves into nothingness or Supreme soul. And after the certain break, the cycles begin all over again. These three aspects of time are under the control of the Trinity. we can see the same pattern in the day and our life too. Each day is created in the early hours, continues throughout the day and then finally dissolves into darkness. And again day start after a break known as night. Same in our life also, as birth, a continuation of life ( childhood adulthood and old age) and then death.

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