Sunday, 7 June 2020


Location of the Nadi in our body 
As per scriptures from Muladhara Chakra, the network of Nadi originate in our pranic body. Muladhara is the place where our dormant consciousness lies hidden. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna originate here. Ida and Pingala then Flow alternately, coiling around the spinal passage from left to right. Sushmna flows straight up through the middle of our body. Ida emerges from the left of the Muladhara. Pingala emerges from the right and sushmna flows straight up through the centre. (‘Mul ‘means original or basic and aadhar means foundation or base. Therefore Muladhara means original Foundation or prime Foundation). From Muladhara chakra, Ida curves to the left and crosses Swadhisthana, go to the right to the to Manipur, then to the left to Anahata, to the right to Vishuddhi, to the left to Anjana at top of the spine and then straight to Sahasra. Pingla follows a similar path, but on the opposite side. As Pingla goes to the right, Ida crosses to the left and so on. As Ida and Pingala cross over at each Chakra, their energy current gets scattered or distributed via the network of Nadi to all the respective organs and Parts of the body. In this way, the Matrix of Nadi carries these two opposite forces to Every cell, organs and parts of the body. At those places where the power of radiance of the Sun and the moon meet, together with the strengthening effect of the Sushmna, very powerful energy centre called chakras forms.


    At several places along the spinal column Nadis form a type of knote (Granthi) each of which constitutes a key point in spiritual development. There are three Granthi or notes in the physical body which are an obstacle on the part of awakened Kundalini. They represent the level of awareness where the power of Maya, ignorance and attachment to material things is especially strong. When these notes are Untied the energy located within them activated and the hidden powers (Siddhis)) are given to us as healing powers, the seeing of past and future, the seeing of Auras, and other supernatural abilities. The three Granthis are termed as Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.

1. Brahma Granthi - Muladhara Chakra is the region for the function of Brahma granthi. It is associated with Tamash - negativity, lethargy and ignorance. It incorporates attachment to physical pleasure, material objects and excessive selfishness.

2. Vishnu Granthi - Anahat Chakra is the reason where Vishnu Granthi operates. It is connected with Rajas- the tendency towards passion, ambition and assertiveness. It is associated with the bondage of emotional attachment and attachment to the people and inner psychic visions.

3. Rudra Granthi - Anjana Chakra is the reason where Rudra Granthi functions. It is associated with the Sattva - delight, happiness, peace, satisfaction, self-control, selflessness. It is associated with attachment to siddhis, psychic phenomenon and the concept of ourselves as individuals. When this note is Untied we became selfless and our ego vanishes.


Only when harmony and balance prevail between the moon and sun system are we healthy and capable of developing further mentally and spiritually. Only one channel of consciousness flows - the Spiritual energy of Sushmna nadi when the Three main nadi Unite. When we are in deep meditation or Samadhi this energy flows process sushmna nadi. As long as sushmna is inactive we are plagued by constantly changing thoughts, emotions, worries etc. But once the Sushmna begins to flow the waves of mind come to rest and we bath in the bliss of diving consciousness. As long as either ida aur pingla predominants, sushmna stay closed and the power of kundli lies dormant. Most people live and die in ida and pingla, sushmna, the central space remains dormant. Sushmna is the pathway through which the Kundalini Rises and forms basis for the progressive awakening as well as higher knowledge.

Therefore purification and balancing of ida and Pingala is extremely important so that our mind is controlled, then sushmna the most important nadi begins to flow. If ida flows predominantly, the mind will be over active. If pingla flows predominantly, the body will be restless. You may be a man, but if your ida nadi is more active, the feminine qualities may be dominant in you. You may be a woman, but if your pingala is more active, the masculine qualities may be dominant in you..

The Nadi shodhana, alternate nostril breathing is the method used to balance ida and pingala. Shodhan means cleansing in Sanskrit. This Practice is effective because the ida nadi is directly connected to the left nostril, and the Pingala Nadi is connected to the right nostril. A few rounds off the basic Pranayam technique at the and of an asana practise are excellent way to help restore equilibrium between the two nadis.

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