Sunday, 21 June 2020

Beginning of universe and the Concept of God

 The Hindi or Sanskrit meaning of the universe is “Brahmanda”.It is derived from two words, Brahama-ultimate soul and Aand means egg. We can visualize the shape of the universe as the shape of the normal egg, a droplet of water, earth etc. Let’s call it the cosmic egg or cosmic atom. Gods ultimate form or nature is formless ( pure consciousness-Nirakar/without form/ personal) but it can manifests into divine form (Sakar -With form). The supreme soul itself Whatever it is in unmanifest state & beyond imagination but as it gets covered in Prakriti ( Prakriti means material energy of ultimate soul eg. Earth, fire, air etc.) It appears to be in personal form. Here at the above place, the meaning of manifestation is taken in the sense of that which appears to have taken form/ symbolic and but it is unreal from an absolute perspective and empirical reality from the human perspective. The formless God is analogous of air or water & its form is analogous of a balloon filled with air or water. Air and water both are formless but when they are filled in the container of any shape or ballon then they have appeared to have taken form but that does not mean that air & water both elements have lost its properties of being formless.

The Trinity God’s are parts of the supreme lord. There own individual soul is not different from the supreme lord. The trinity god is in unification ( complete absorption of mind and intellect) into one infinite consciousness with supreme god, So they are one. All living beings have the soul (Atma) which originates from the great soul and will dissolve in the divine soul after salvation (Mukti). Our soul is covered with five layers of ignorance or illusion so they have a false ego (mind, thoughts) and intellect is attached to the perishable body and impermanent material nature) of the physical body is the individual self which makes them feel differentiated from the Atma/soul/root consciousness and thus they are trapped in samsara/cycle of birth and death. A spiritually ignorant person identifies himself with the gross physical body and mental elements like intellect and thoughts while personal gods are in self-realization state and their mind is completely absorbed in their infinite soul/ infinite consciousness which is the supreme soul.

 Our universe is not the only universe present, there is an infinite number of universe or multiverses. Some are taking birth, some have taken birth while some are dying all the while. Every material thing living or non- living is a universe in itself composed of millions of cells and atoms. As we all know that in our universe there is an infinite number of stars, In every present time some stars are taking birth, some have taken birth while some are dying. If we think of our body, It is composed of millions of cells and atoms, every time some cells are taking birth and replacing old ones. This phenomenon of construction and destruction is going on from an infinite period of time. So it can be clearly assumed that some super-intelligent being is managing it, from a tiny atom to a giant universe. Anyone like me can recognise or know me from my physical appearance and voice but a cell which is a part of my body cannot do that because they are not yet evolved to see and understand it in its entirety and same apply to us also if we visualize about supreme god or creator.

Everything from atom to universe is made of energy ;
God = E + I
[ E= energy of all universe, I= intelligence]
As we all know that energy can neither be create nor be destroyed only it’s form changes, converted into mass and vice versa.
According to Einstein,
E= mc2 [E= energy, m= mass, c= velocity of light]
Body of electrical product is made of mass but electrical energy is required to run the electronic product like T.V, mobile etc. Our human body is made of material but we need food for the energy, required for living. Food is converted into energy. Therefore everything is made of energy. And soul or atom or Atma is present in living being which represents intelligence which manages the living beings, Without it, all will be dead. Therefore the original energy (god) are converted into different energy and mass. The soul can be said as a different form of energy.

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