Thursday, 18 June 2020

How to identify which Dosas are present in you?

Composed of ether and air
Means “that which moves things”
Qualities -dry, light, cold, rough, hard, subtle, clear, and mobile
Site in body- colon, thighs, hips, ears, bones, and organs of touch.

Imbalanced Vata
When out of balance, Vata tends to cause fear, anxiety, isolation, loneliness, and exhaustion. It can cause both physical and energetic depletion, disrupt proper communication, and cause all types of abnormal movements within the body, like tics, tremors, and muscle spasms.

How to Balance Vata
Favour foods that are warm, moist, and cooked.
Favour sweet, sour, and salty tastes.
Massage yourself daily with Vata-balancing oil, oil, or expressed almond oil.
Establish consistent daily routines, including regular meals, exercise, meditation, and sleep/wake times.
Avoid erratic schedules, stimulants, cold and dry conditions, an excessive amount of travel, and an excessive amount of sensory stimulation from smartphones, television, and tablets.

Composed of fireside and water
Means “that which digests things”
Qualities- oily, sharp, penetrating, hot, light, unpleasant odour, spreading, liquid
Site in body intestine, stomach, sweat, sebaceous glands, blood, lymph, and organs of vision.

Imbalanced Pitta
When out of balance, pitta causes fiery, reactionary emotions like frustration, anger, jealously, and criticism. Imbalanced pitta is typically at the idea of inflammatory disorders, which can affect organs and tissues throughout the body.
How to Balance Pitta
Favour foods that are nourishing, refreshing, and not overheating.
Favour sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes.
Keep the body cool the utmost amount as possible—avoid overheating.
Incorporate regular moderate, non-competitive exercise.
Avoid stimulants and acidic foods.
Include meditation, walks in nature, or time for self-reflection and self-care into your daily routine the utmost amount as possible.

Composed of earth and water
Means “that which holds things together”
Qualities cold, wet, heavy, dull, sticky, soft, steady, solid, smooth
Site in body chest, lungs, throat, head, sides, pancreas, stomach, lymph, and fat.

Imbalanced Kapha
When out of balance, Kapha triggers emotions of attachment, greed, and possessiveness and should also create stubbornness, lethargy, and resistance to vary. Physically, Kapha tends to ask stagnation and congestion in organs and tissues throughout the body—including the mind.
How to Balance Kapha
Favour foods that are light, warm, and cooked.
Favour pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes.
Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
Vary your routine from time to time.
Wake up at or before sunrise.
Avoid napping during the day.
Eat more lightly within the morning and thus the evening, alongside your biggest meal at lunchtime.

          By recognizing the characteristics of those doshas in yourself you'll find out how dominant or recessive these doshas are in you. For example…
It’s very Vata to:
– Be hungry at any time of the day or night
– Love excitement and constant change
– attend sleep at different times nightly 
– Skip meals and keep irregular habits
– Digest food well at some point and poorly subsequent 
– Display bursts of emotion that are short-lived and quickly forgotten
– Walk quickly
It’s very Pitta to:
– Feel ravenous if dinner is half an hour late
– Live by your watch and resent having some time wasted
– awaken in the dark feeling hot and thirsty
– Take command of a situation or feel you ought to 
– Learn from experience that others’ find you too demanding, sarcastic/critical sometimes 
– Have a determined walk
It’s very Kapha to:
– Mull things over for an extended time before deciding
– awaken slowly, dwell bed an extended time/ need coffee when rising
– proud of the established order and keep it by giving in
– Respect other’s feelings (you feel genuine empathy)
– Seek emotional comfort from eating
– Have graceful movements, liquid eyes and a gliding walk..even when overweight.

            It is important to remember that we all have innate strengths and gifts, also as persistent challenge areas. The doshas are an exquisite tool for understanding both, and also for recognizing and correcting any imbalances to add our systems. Invariably, the doshas shed light on our nuances, guide us in improving self-awareness, and should help us to understand the thanks to offering support—precisely where and when it matters most. As a result, cultivating a relationship with each of the three doshas can have a transformative impact on your overall health and well-being.

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