The flow of energy -treat physical intimacy as special and be energized by it.
To understand how the sex act relates to the flow of energy, it is important, first, to understand how it is that energy can be awakened in the body- indeed drawn to it at will. For physical energy is not produced only by the food we eat.
Have not you ever performed a task willingly and actually felt more energy than when you started? How does that compare with times when you performed similar task reluctantly? On these occasions, the work tired you, doesn’t it?
The life-affirming attitude of joy, willingness, or Love actually generates energy in the body. And life negative attitude of sadness, Un-willingness, or animosity sap the body’s energy. These are simple truths and easily tested. More is involved than getting enough to eat. How, then, to explain them?
Bear in mind, first, that the dictum of modern science that matter is really a vibration of energy. Our physical bodies are the vibration of energy. The material universe is an ocean of energy. By will, we send energy to the body- to make an arm move, for instance. By positive willpower, also, we can draw on the energy in the universe around us. By negative willpower- for example, by fear of discouragement we close ourselves off from that energy source.
Surrounded as we are by energy, and living in bodies that are, essentially, the vibration of the energy, there is nothing to stop us from partaking of that energy- nothing, that is to say, but our lack of awareness of it. In any case, we draw on that energy- source, to a greater or lesser degree, all time......
When couples come together lovingly and joyful in physical Union, they naturally experience an increase of energy resulting from the union. From whence stems this increase? From the Sex act itself? Is it not, rather, quite separately produced by their love and joy?
Look at those couples for whom sex has ceased to be a Joy, and has become a mere habit. How often such people seem utterly bored with life, and with one another; moody and irritable; prematurely old; increasingly Un-self –fulfilled.
It may be argued, in these cases, that sex is not the culprit. It can be definitely stated, however, that neither has it proved the cure of their boredom and lack of energy. In fact, it is joy and love, not sexual Union, that are true causes of any increase in energy that people drive from sexual Union.
To state this truth more simply, no merely mechanical act that expands energy can itself replenish it. The runner who jogs dispiritedly returns home exhausted; it is the joyful jogger who returns refreshed. In the sex act, similarly, mere mechanics of sex cannot increase one’s supply of energy; they can only, to some extent, deplete it.
For men, especially, the body must work hard to produce semen- that highly refined essence which represents the very cream of the body’s productivity. When this inner activity become strained by excessive sexuality, the cream is diluted. The body itself moreover must then direct more energy toward the production of semen- and thereby, deflect energy away from the from other inner functions..... years spent in such activity, however, will result in a greater susceptibility to ill health and general lack of vitality.
The energy gain that people experience from sex sexual union is due to the consciousness they hold during the act- to their love, and their joy- and not to the act itself. Also, this love and joy cannot be diminished, the more the sex act is allowed to sink to the level of habit. To approach a thing joyfully, it is necessary to treat it as something special.
Stop and Analyse your Desire- check
out the bigger picture before you indulge in physical intimacy
What should one do when one had the urge to have sex- should one suppress it, try to avoid being with someone of the opposite sex? No, instead try to analyse your sexual desire.
sex is
not bad, men and women’s relationship is not bad, who says it is? Our scripture
have mentioned three uses of sex: procreation, pleasure, and a practice for
spiritual evolution as used by the path of Tantra. In tantra, sex too is used
as a spiritual practice, but the master gives this permission only to the
disciples who has perfected the practice of ‘Kumbhaka’ and can do so for 30
minutes, which means that one can stay without breathing for 30 minutes.
Further, he should have been strictly
observing the precepts of ‘Yama’ and ‘Niyama’- codes of conduct, and perfected
even complex yogasanas. All this needs at least five to 10 years of diligent
practice, and only when one has passed through this process successfully, there
are certain practices on the part of Tantra which the Guru gets done from the
disciple. If sexual Desire arise within you, try to analysis it thoroughly.
However, the practice of ‘Pranayama’ is more important than analysis alone, as
prana, mind and body are interconnected.
Do 20 round of ‘Kapalbhati’ followed by one round of ‘Moolbandha’ repeat this process 10 times.Let alone 10, by the time you come to fifth, your sexual desire would have evaporated into thin air! You need to realise that this body doesn’t belong to you, it has been loaned to you. Don’t waste this precious life- those who are slaves of their desire are, in effect, wasting their lives. You may ask why all sage prohibited their disciples from indulging in sex- there is a very valid reason for this. The process of assimilating energy from the food you eat and from the oxygen you breath, is a very complex and time-consuming process. And this energy is very vital, for only an energetic body can perform spiritual practices correctly and sit still during meditation. I often see that people can barely sit still for 10 to 15 minutes- this is because the body lacks energy. If you don’t eat appropriately, don’t Practice yogasanas and Pranayam, don’t get restful sleep, then your energy levels are going to be low.
It takes lot of time and complex metabolic process to assimilate energy, but it takes only a moment to deplete it and this is what happened during sex. A drop of semen has the energy of around at 80 red blood cells. Just think how much food you would have to eat and what all Complex processes would be needed for the body to extract the nutrients from the food? So, you have harnessed the energy and then simply exhausted it at the time of sex. It is like toil the whole day and then spend all that is earned in the evening. How can you ever become wealthy? But this is the biggest attraction to humans and they end up wasting this precious energy for momentary pleasure.........
But alas! You have no clue of this energy and
are completely unaware of what you lose every time you have sex. Instead, just
like animals, your body secretes certain hormones and the resultant effect is
that your brain want sex and is fulfilling that desire, you end up losing invaluable
energy. You don’t gain anything, only loss.
And a person bereft of energy cannot perform
spiritual practice One should conserve this energy, and it is not that you lose
this energy only by sexual indulgence, rather you need to have control on all
your sense organs- how much you talk, what all you see, hear- this too leads to energy depletion.
Repression results in an obsession-
You don’t inquire the way to transcend eating. You don’t inquire the way to transcend breathing- because no religion has told you to transcend breathing, that’s why. Otherwise, you'd are asking, “How do transcend breathing?” You breathe! you're a breathing animal; you're a sexual animal, also.
But there's a difference, 14 years of your life, within the beginning, are almost non-sexual, or at the foremost, just rudimentary sexual play which isn't really sexual- just preparing, rehearsing, that’s all. At the age of 14, suddenly the energy is ripe.
Ever noticed, when a toddler is born- immediately, within three seconds- he has got to breathe, otherwise, he will die. The breathing is to stay the entire of his life because it's come at the primary step of life. It can't be transcended. Both ends of life, the start and end, are exactly similar, symmetrical. the kid is born, he starts inhaling 3 seconds. When the kid is old and dying, the instant he stops breathing, within three seconds, he is going to be dead.
Sex enters at a very late stage: for 14 years, the kid has lived without sex. And if society isn't to repressed and hooked into sex, a toddler can leave completely obviously to the very fact that sex exists. the kid can remain every absolutely innocent. That Innocence is additionally impossible because people are so repressed. When repression happens, then side-by-side obsession also happens.
So, priest continue repressing; and there are the anti- priest,- they are going on creating more and more pornography. They both exist together at two sides of an equivalent coin. When religious place will disappear, only then Playboy magazine will disappear, not before it. They're partners in business. They could appear as if enemies, but don’t be deceived by that. They talk against one another, but that’s how things work.
Never carry one Idea against sex in your mind, otherwise, you'll never be ready to transcend it. people that transcend sex are people that accept it naturally. it's difficult, I know because you're born in a society with maybe a neurotic about sex. It's very difficult to urge out of this neurosis, but if you're a touch alert, you'll get out of it. So, the important thing isn't the way to transcend sex, but the way to transcend this perverted ideology of society: this fear of sex, this repression of sex, this obsession with sex.
Sex is beautiful; in itself, it's a natural rhythmic phenomenon. It happens when the kid is prepared to be conceived, and it's good that it happens- otherwise life wouldn't exist. Life exists through sex; sex is it’s medium. If you understand life, if you're keen on life, you'll know sex is sacred, holy. Then you reside it, then you enjoyment of it; and as naturally because it has come, it goes, on its own accord. By the age of 42, or somewhere near there, sex starts disappearing as natural because it had inherited being. But it doesn't happen that way.
you'll be surprised once I say near about 42, you recognize some people are 70,80, and that they haven't gone beyond. you recognize ‘dirty old people’. they're victims of society because they might not be natural; it's a hangover- because they repressed once they should have enjoyed and delighted. In those moments of pleasure, they weren't totally in it. They weren't orgasmic, they were half-hearted.
If you've got no anti- attitude about sex, you're taking it as a natural, divine gift, with Great gratitude.
Transform all of your energy- Brahmacharya is about raising your energy from the lower chakras to higher centre.
Brahmacharya may be a wide word, very vast. Celibacy is simply one a part of it but not the entire of it. The word brahmacharya means ‘living sort of a god’, living a life divine. Of course, during a life divine, sex disappears.
Brahmacharya isn't against sex. If it's against sex then sex can never disappear. Brahmacharya is transmutation of energy: it's not being against sex; rather, it's changing the entire energy from the sex centre to the upper Centres. When it reaches the seventh centre of the body, the Sahasrar, then Brahmacharya happens. If it remains within the first Centre, the Mooladhar, than sex happens; when it reaches to the seven Centre, then it's Samadhi. an equivalent energy moves. it's not being against it; rather, it's an art the way to use it.
A person who is indulging in sex is being suicidal; he's destroying his own energy. he's sort of a man who goes to the market, gives his diamonds, and buy pebbles- and comes home happy that he has made an excellent bargain! In sex you attain such a small moment of happiness, and you lose such a lot energy. an equivalent energy can offer you tremendous bliss, on the other hand it's to maneuver on to a better level.
Sex has got to be transformed- don’t be against it. If you're against it, you can't transform it, because once you are inimical towards something you can't know it . Great sympathy is required for understanding. If you're inimical, how are you able to give sympathy? once you are inimical to something, you can't even observe it: you would like to withdraw from your enemy, and to flee from the enemy.
Be in friendship together with your sex, because it's your energy with tremendous possibility hidden in it. it's the divine, the raw. Sex is Samadhi, raw. It can't be transmuted, it are often changed, it are often transfigured.
The entire of yoga is that the path to transfer, to vary the baser metal into higher metal. The art is the way to change iron into gold. Yoga is alchemy, the alchemy of inner being.
Brahmacharya means trying to know sex energy, trying to know how it moves in your being, why it gives you pleasure, from where pleasure really comes whether it comes from sexual intercourse , sexual release, or it come from elsewhere . If you're an observer, soon you'll realise and find out it's coming from elsewhere .
Once you are in sexual activity , a deep sock happens to the entire body. it's a sock because such a lot energy is released; the entire body trembles in sock. therein shock, thoughts stop. it's a bit like an electrical sock...... sexual energy is as electrical as any energy. All energies are electrical, and sex energy is bio-electricity. It comes out of your body. In sex you create energy; by the sexual movement, fantasy, desire, you create energy. the entire energy move towards Mooladhar, the sex centre, concentrates there; then comes a buildup; then suddenly sudden explosion, sock everywhere the body. Then peace follows. This peace comes at an excellent cost. you're destroying valuable life energy- for nothing.
Brahmacharya is to know the entire phenomenon........ If by sock you become peaceful at attain a touch glimpse of happiness..... this can't be eternal. Soon the energy are going to be lost, you'll be frustrated. Something else has got to be discovered, something eternal, something to stay blissful. It can't be through sock; it can only be only through transmutation of energy. When an equivalent energy move upwards, you become a dam of energy. that's Brahmacharya.