Friday, 17 July 2020

Physical Health

Why Physical health is important?

Healing through yoga

Let Prana Flow- Practice of asanas and praynam increases the life force.

Prana or life-force is the basis of all our physical activity.Its keeps our entire body regulated and healthy.According to the philosophy of Yoga,the body remains physically fit as long as the life force is circulated properly within it.If there is any hindrance or irregularity in its flow,the body becomes ill.Yoga is a method of regulating energy in the body by removing disease from it.Yoga has positive impact on all parts of our body.including nerves,veins,tissues,endocrine glands,and even our little cells.Hence,it has a positive effect on all activities of the body.
the flow of life-force is facilitated and the energy of the body is unified with the supreme energy scattered in the cosmos.
Secret to a long and happy life
The human body is an important vehicle, beside being a tool for spiritual growth. If your body is not healthy for a prolonged period of time,You will not even be able to mediate or do any sadhana. So, first and foremost Keep your body healthy. Asanas do not provide health benefit alone. The word Asanas means 'kaya sthiram'-That which steadies the body and comforts you.With regular practice of the  pranayamas and asanas, you can increase the power of mind as well as strengthen your immunity.
In the Sirsasana  ,the body goes upside down. One needs to train oneself to get the right coordination and balance to be still and steady as well as comfortable in Sirsasanas. This is often called king of asanas. One can derive great benefits from this asana. , since we are always standing on our feet. This asana increases blood flow, to the brain, lungs, and several other organs. The heart rest because it does not have to work against gravity to push the blood up. This rush of blood soothes and calms all organs with oxygen oxygenated blood and this ensures perfect functioning of the body.
Similarly, Sarvangasana is called the Queen of all asanas. It has a specific effect on the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Every asana has a particular effect on specific organ and muscles. Therefore, one needs to have an in depth understanding of asanas, including the right way to do them.

Mindful movements-Focus on your movements and on your breathing while Practising Yoga asanas to keep your body an mind healthy.
Since asanas have a profound effect on your body, it is important to perform them with awareness. If you are doing leg raise, then you should raise and lower your legs with awareness, being alert to the action. If you don’t move your legs with awareness, then it is not an asana, but merely a form of exercise. Asanas should be done with awareness of body and breath.
In Tadasana , you raise your arm straight up while breathing in. When you raise your arm while breathing in, oxygen reaches all parts of the lungs-Posterior, anterior, Superior and inferior. When you breathe in without raising your arms, only the upper, and to some extent, the middle part of the lungs is oxygenated and carbon dioxide accumulates in the rest of lungs. Carbon dioxide is toxic to the body and the accumulation of toxins is akin to invite illness and early death. While performing asanas, it is extremely important to keep the mind alert, to remain aware, an establish coordination with the breath. Yoga practitioner said that if your spine is young, you are young- So to keep your spine young, you should practise all asanas which make the spine flexible and strong, including Bhujangasana, Sarpasana,  Makarasana,  Kandhar. All these are good for the spine. And learn them under the guidance of a yoga practitioner only.
According to Hatha yoga, a major advantage of doing asanas is that they have a direct effect on our - thus helping immensely in the awakening of Chakras. While doing an asan , you also breathing in rhythm; this balances the Ida and Pingala Nadi and helps in activating the Sushumna nadi. It may seem that you are doing asanas ,but  actually you are preparing for the opening of the chakras and awakening of the Kundalini. If your Mooladhara and Swadhisthana Chakra are not activated , you cannot be free from desire, no matter how much knowledge you gather by listening to spiritual discourses.
Chakras- Mooladhara, Manipura. Kumar, swadisthana , Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara
The Mooladhara Chakra controls all the system related to West elimination at both the physical as well as psychological level ,and is the point where all primal urges are stored. All your longings and desires are trapped in the Swadhisthana Chakra.
The mechanism of this chakra is so subtle that it understanding is beyond the intellect of an average person. Our conscious mind is unaware about how the Swadhisthana Chakra controls our Samskaras or our mental impressions, choices, decisions and actions. Even your friend are, in a way, selected by the Swadisthana. No one can control the mind and the body without activating the Swadhisthana Chakra.

Note-Refer to my earlier post post about Chakras for details.

Health and healing through yoga.

Lie down on your back;put your hands beside your thighs and rest your palm on the ground.Stretch your body and keep it taut.Inhale and raise both legs slowly,placing pressure on your hands.Hold your legs at an angle of 60 degrees to the ground,for as long as you can.Breath normally.Feel the strain in your legs and in your abdomen. Do not tense your face or neck att all.Return legs slowly to their original position.Repeat three times.This asana regulates your bloodpressure,thus ensuring proper blood supply to the scalp and boosts the health of your digestive system, lungs, heart,liver and spleen. It also counters constipation.
Lie down on your back,with your legs streched out.Bend both legs at the knees and bring them towards your chest.Exhale and pull the bent legs further toward the chest with your hands,the fingers interlocked.Now lift your head and try to touch your knees with your chin.Hold the position for as long as you can,breathing normally.Then bring your head back to normal position,unlock the hands and stretch your legs again.Repeat it twice.
   This asana stregthens digestive organs,lungs and heart.Those suffering from neck and backache should not raise their heads.
Anulom Vilom Pranayam
 Sits in a comfortable posture like Sukhasana.Keep your back straight,and your breathing normal.Form the Jana Mudra with right hand;now close your right nostril with your right thumb and exhale slowly through the left nostril.Breath in,deep and slow.Close the left nostril with your ring and little fingers and lift the thumb from the right nostril.Exhale slowly from the right nostril.Next,inhale slowly and deeply from the right nostril to maximum capacity.Then close the right nostril with your thumb and lift fingers from the left nostil,and exhale through it.This completes one round of anulom vilom pranayam.Repeat the cycle 11 times.If you it daily,it helps strengthen the lungs,heart, and nervous system.
Bhastrika pranayama
 Sit in any comfortable asan or in Sukhasana,keeping your back straight and eyes closed.Now form the jnana mudra and place your hands on your knees.Exhale to your maximum capacity through both nostrils,and then inhale through both nostrils with full force.Repeat this process continously till you feel tired.First,do it slowly,and then speed up gradually.Repeat it 20-30 times,as per your capacity.This asana supplies maximum pran vayu to the body and remove impurities,thus purifying blood.

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